Video Supervised F.C.C Amateur Radio License Exam Sessions

We have a Volunteer Examination Team and we run online testing for Amateur Radio FCC licensing. We are ARRL accredited.

I’m Rodney, call sign is W4WRE.
We do Online Ham Radio License Test.
Contact me to setup an Test Session here

How to get started

The first thing is to get your FRN ( FCC Registration Number )at

After you have your FRN # and you are passing a practice exam at 80%.

Then go to and find a session. My session are listed under my call sign w4wre. We test every Saturday at 7:00 pm EDT. After register you will receive an email with instructions on how to pay your exam fee, After I receive your payment you will get instructions for Zoom.

You need a pc and phone on Zoom.

The exam area

Exam area most be clear of any papers, A place where nobody come in to while you are taking the exam, no ear buds, or smart watch,

You can have a piece scratch paper (blink) and a on screen calculator.